Συνολικές προβολές σελίδας

Πέμπτη 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Calendary Personal

i am boring.
Not so much attraction latelly!
No woman no cry ! heheheheh

3-10 /February 2008

4-12 /May 2008
Thunders first communication

3-10 / October 2009
Jews revealed ....then....Olymbus has fallen from then....
National elections on Greece with winner Papandreoy George....
I told them i will fack them up...as i can......and they knew it...because ...
........maybe all happened again in the past.(as the bastards used to say!)
Especially i tooked the first hitting on my university  on Monday 5 2009.
Athens University of Economics and Business at level 0

My heart almost collapsed ......
Enemies clarified their position.....


24/9/2015 Mecca accident
....Body image map discovered......!!!



Όποιος έχει φροντίσει για τον μη γάμο ελλαδιτών και μικρα-ασιατών ανθρώπων είναι κατα πάσα πιθανότητα ένας από τους μεγαλύτερους εχθρούς.
Σε επόμενη θεώρηση θα μπορούσαμε να πούμε ότιτο συστημα ΓΗ-ΔΙΟΝΥΣΣΟΣ-ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ αντιδρώντας ορθολογικά στην αποτίναξη της τουρκικής γλώσσας είχε 2 επιλογές .
Αποτίναξη με θανάτωση όλων των μικρασιατων (το κόστος είναι ολοφάνερο...)
και / ή
Άμεση επαναΓΑΜΕΥΣΗ των 2 γειτονικών και εκ φυσεως συζηγών
ΟΡΓΑΝΩΝ , δηλαδή του συμπλέγματος ΟΡΧΕΙΣ-ΠΡΟΣΤΑΤΗΣ
(ελλαδικός χώρος και μικρα ασία)


Situation :almost dead
Searching :interest for life---love
Reason: The knowing of other secret kind of lives in our planet.
Treatment: Coco Channel videos !

Spring-Summer 2016 Ready-to-Wear CHANEL Show

Amazing !
The song ,the air-relativity and ofcource the girls.
God in hellenic lan-gauge is relative to word VIEW...
(has view or is on view?!?)
And all models are subject for VIEW in the phase of promotion.
I am trying to describe my thoughts that came out with this video but its very difficult.
Its like i am missing my home......

Imagine a life without problems....
To be with my nearest kind of life being....with the models...
What i am really?
What is finally the Christ?
Is he the only type in all the universe or maybe somewhere near he can find one of his kind?
Is he here for a normal reason or some kind of correction in the universal path?

At 10:00 the song getting like a funeral of one of the kind....
And at 11:00 starting again to come up like after we must come up
in every block of our lives.

Look how the dissegner of the production putted at  8:55 the HEAVY ,as from our history,
Japannese girl with the air-plane tags!
The video also starting with the sound of air-craft engines and the 4 pilots men.

A life without problems...
A life that the pretty and beatiful is defined well in our way of life.
A life in which the PURPOSES are defined by the creator.
A life that i will not want to kill all the system that i ve found ready.
A life that they wouldnt have dear to hide from me.......
But what can i do if i didnt wanted the palace?
I really want to tell much more for some reader that he will  read this in the future.
My hard is broken....this is the problem.
And i am trying to find something at least to remind me how is the life.
Too sad after 8 years of knowing that i am the so called Christ.

Greetings from coco channel paradise airport ....!!!

Ok 9 months neads the born generally.
365 days / year
on four!......... /4 = 0.785375 per cent of the year in QUARTERS
(compartment PI with 4)
* 365 days=286.66 days of PI inside the circle-ed 4quarters
Thus also / 31 days per month = 9.24 Months ~ 9 and 7 days

Close but not enought to tell yet.
13 months(28th-s) normally per year one woman can born(arresting)

Moon rides itself around a woman 13 times.

25 September 2016

Linear Movement - Night In June

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