Συνολικές προβολές σελίδας

Πέμπτη 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Calendary Christ 1981 +323 after Great Alexander

Here is more sirius by the meaning of the Absolute Truh ,the one that many
bringing to TIME like Kronus the father of DIAS who has the THUNDERS.
(They call themeselves scientists! hehehe! )
The absolute trueth as i am seeing it without telling lies consiousnesslly!
So dont tell me someday that i am telling lies when i am telling that in a way i can communicate with
the Thunders !

Yes....its true!
When i ve discovered(2-2008) that i am the so called "Christ"
i discovered also that THUNDERS real ANSWERING to me relative to the
WHEEL+ING+NESS of .....DOD and GOD  - TITAN son of Chronos
and grandson of O+YRANUS
D+I+A+S =(DEUS)  as we are used to call HIM on hellenic MYTHO+LOGY
as H+E+MYTHEUS half human half god anthropoids!

DIAS with D syristic and not teeth-able
ΔΙΑΣ στην ελληνική!
Deus and is different from ZEYS
A hol a lot of a Z instead of D is a big difference
even Hellenes Professors of Hellenic Lan+gauge
are keep saying that is the same GOD.
One D in instead of a G created the 'word' DOD like FATHER !

Ok ...seriusly!

JAH+DID in arabic means NEW in english ?
If yes then prepare yourself for ETYMOLOGY !
After etymology and now that we have computers its logicall for our mind to travels
on " MATRIX" theories and ofcourse we must keep strong ,and alive,if want to learn.

Ok...first of all when i am writing with capital
IS NOT MOSTLY to emphasise the meaning but
to give H+ETYM+OLOGICALL wind on my writing meaning product!
So i will not write GOD or God or Allah or ALLAH or Jah or JAH to pruduce the
meaning of respect to the god.
I can respect (i think ) the every god i finally will come up too !
At the moment i call god the INTELLIGENCE that brings the THUNDER s.

So everything? that has MY in etymology of voice maybe comes from SEMI -HALF
that we write it on Hellenic as ΗΜΙ (hemi-final =~~~= semi-final)
From HMI also may comes to EIMI (=(i) AM /in hellenic)
or further the word ME in english meaning in hellenic ΕΓΩ (=EGGO)
I will write doubled the letter when i want syristicall pronounciation
instead of the english-iated instant letter pronounciation
like D in english but DD in hellenic.
In Hellenic to pronounce D we write NT.
So my name is DDI+MI+TRIS and i think means some thing like
TWO+MATRIXES !! hahahahha

And the word WHEEL its kind of WEEL that is circle bended
and maybe thats how we have lottery games like the fortune of wheel ! heheheh!
 This simple joke for wheel must be not only a joke!
And maybe this is the one problem of sentences when they are not ONLY jokes.
Something that is true it must be taken as seriuslly information for every life form
that , IT ,  realise the subjectarry TRUETH in every occasion.

Look again up the relativity on EGGO ~ EGG /=/ me in hellenic langauge
And remember  how many times on religius,,,
 and not only books ,,,we are finding egg !
A lot years ago i had in my mind this image of Salvador Dali !
How perfect also describes my theory !
Describes in a way not DEFINED ~ DE+FIND ~
~~~~~ DEUS FIND ???? !!!!!!!!!

So as for ME and SEMI i am wondered if MY+KTIR
 comes also to SEMI+KTIR in hellenic ΗΜΙ+ΚΤΗΡ
Because i know only few words in hellenic starting with MI
Like MIKRON means SMALL semi+kron !

Now here you can find some things for funguses!
Fungus is called in hellenic MYKHTAS (mecetas) so maybe is relative to
SEMI+KITTOS that KITTOS is like the structure of organism ...but i am not sure!
So something like HALF+SHIP !
Also CELL is in hellenic KYTTARO that has also KYTT inside!.


heater and eater with daemons in our mind ?

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